Steve and Peter travel the roads of the U.S. in an RV (called The Beast). Steve is retired and disabled (mobility impaired) and Peter is his service dog. They started their adventure on September 11th ,2003. Home base currently is Los Angeles, California. On the road, they live in a 1993, 28 foot, Allegro Bay class A motor home. Their goal is just to enjoy the thrill of travel and exploration for as long as the Beast and their health allow.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

041214-Southern Arizona

041214-Southern Arizona

The drive to Yuma was easy and scenic. There is such a difference between driving in the city and cruising along on the open road.

Regardless of how many miles of mountains or cactus or endless fields I see, it does not get boring. With a bright sunny day and miles of highway ahead, Peter and I just take it all in and let it energize us. It doesn’t matter where we are heading or coming from; whether we’ve been there before or going someplace new – it’s the thrill of the journey not the destination.

A small RVP that we found on a prior trip had space for us and we were happy to get a slot along side the pool.
Yuma is probably the warmest area of the state and this week it was warmer than usual – in otherwise – really nice.

After hooking up, we strolled across the street to an Applebee’s and had a delicious steak dinner. Peter urged me to get the larger size because he was pretty hungry, and it’s a good thing I did because he was.

I have to keep reminding myself that there are time zones and as we head east we lose an hour of precious morning sleep.

There is no cable hook up so we read and listen to NPR radio, which I have found to be quite informative and entertaining.

The next day was picture perfect weather so we took out the Batmobile and roamed the neighborhood, checked out local stores and gave Peter a good workout.

TOM and Mary from Spokane were a couple we met on our Mexican Caravan and they had given us a pass for a free 3 nite stay at a Park they belong to in Casa Grande – of course I had to go to a sales pitch but it was painless and even interesting. I might have even joined if they made me one more offer.

One afternoon, Tom drove us to an ancient Indian ruins site in Casa Grande and when Peter saw it he denied any responsibility for it.

Tom and his friend Bud tried to fix my cigarette lighter problem, but things went from bad to worse and my batteries were being drained and lights not working.

We did manage to leave OK and when we got to our next RVP, I asked the manager for a good mobile mechanic and he gave me the # of Bug’s RV.

The next day, Bug showed up, diagnosed the problem as a burnt out converter, and in 30 minutes he had it replaced and the beast was whole again and all was good.

The best part, besides not having to drive to a dealer and spend all day there was that his bill was $25 for labor (1/2 hour), and the cost of the new unit ($250). Wouldn’t happen in Loa Angeles for sure.

We are currently in a park I have been to before and liked and is nicely priced at $20/nite.
They have a nice pool area, hot tub, and they cook meals almost every day.

You are probably curious how peter likes it here. Well, the last time he was here he got an education about cactus. Guess what – he got another one today.

It really wasn’t his fault – he walked under a cactus plant branch and a pod with lots of needles stuck to the top of head. I tried to pull it off but it was like trying to grab a porcupine. - Ouch. The plan was to get him back to the beast so I could remove it with a tool, but we didn’t get very far before he decided to take matters into his own hands (or paws) and he reached up with a paw to knock the pod off. Of course all that did was get him a paw full of needles and so his next plan was to pick them out with his teeth, resulting with a nose and lips full of needles.

It was one of those times I wish I had my camera and after it was all over, I realized I did have my new cell phone camera but forgot. I have to keep up with the technology.

Now he was mad and I was very frustrated, because he didn’t want to go anyplace and there was nothing I could do.

2 maintenance men came to the rescue with a pair of pliers and lots of patience. Getting out the first few went well, but then Peter got unruly when he saw the pliers coming at him, so they had to sneak up from behind to get the needles in his nose.

We got almost all of them, with the exception of one in his paw and two in his lower lip, which is covered by his upper lip – I will have to figure out what to do. So far they don’t seem to be bothering him.

We spent the rest of the day around the pool taking in the sun. I am going to extend our stay a few more days.

Our plans change from day to day as I talk to people about what to see and where to go, so if you’ve got any suggestions – spill it.

SO far, we will see Tucson, Tombstone, Green Valley, Las Cruces, SAN Antonio, Corpus Christi, Houston and New Orleans.

Oh, another nice plus – gas at $1.79.


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