060804 - Missouri

Wednesday, August 02, 2006
As a stop over in Fulton, MO, we selected a Wal-Mart super center. These stores are huge, open 24 hours a day, and have excellent security in the form of personnel and video surveillance. The parking lots are lighted all the time and it gives us a feeling of safety.
Late in the afternoon, we opted for a nap with the generator and air conditioner going full blast since it was like a furnace outside. The heat index was 105 which take into account the massive humidity.
WE were awakened a couple of hours later by a thunderous storm, complete with lightning and 60 mph winds and small hailstones. A few minutes later, everything went black. We felt like unwary travelers in a scary movie. Apparently the storm had knocked out the power to the entire store and parking lot.
When the storm had passed, another followed soon after and lasted till late evening.
We watched TV as it frequently interrupted programs with weather warnings and new of power outages, and to tell the truth were a little concerned about spending the night. Peter reassured me that he would stand guard for the night and that made me fell a little better.
At about 11:00 pm, as we were shutting down and preparing for sleep, like a miracle, the store and parking lot was a blaze of light. Much to my surprise, there were and had been at least 50 cars in the lot all the time, but were not visible because of the complete blackness that cloaked the area.
I suspect they belonged to the employees because no one came out to drive away and during the blackout, there were no signs of headlights or cars leaving. Wonder how it felt to be in the dark that long? Also don’t remember seeing any moving lights inside the store either. Strange, huh?
Friday, August 4, 2006
Independence, Missouri
Independence is really a small town that lives in the shadows of it more popular and well known adjoining cities of Kansas City, Mo and Kansas City, KS. However, it does lay claim to its most famous resident and hometown hero, Harry S. Truman. That’s where his Presidential Library is.
After touring this monument dedicated to one of our most important and significatant.statesman in American history, it is hard to believe that a man of such humble beginnings could rise to such a level of power.
He worked as a farmer till he turned 18 then earned 3 dollars a week in a Kansas City drugstore and felt rich. It was not until his hitch in the army and participation in World War 1 as an artillery officer, and a returning hero, did his attributes of leadership begin to appear. After serving 10 years in local government, he ran for and won a seat in the Senate, supported by some powerful but not necessarily honest political “bosses”. Nevertheless, he performed well enough to get re-elected and impress President Roosevelt who requested him as his running mate.
The rest, as the saying goes, is history.
He ended World war 2 with 2 bombs, rebuilt Europe and prevented Communism from taking over with the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan and Berlin Airlift, and fought the North Koreans back to the 38th parallel. All in less than 8 years.
This building is a great tribute to a man how became great while still being humble.
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