Steve and Peter travel the roads of the U.S. in an RV (called The Beast). Steve is retired and disabled (mobility impaired) and Peter is his service dog. They started their adventure on September 11th ,2003. Home base currently is Los Angeles, California. On the road, they live in a 1993, 28 foot, Allegro Bay class A motor home. Their goal is just to enjoy the thrill of travel and exploration for as long as the Beast and their health allow.

Friday, December 17, 2004



Hi friends,

It’s the17th of December and that means we’ve been away only 11 days but it seems like forever.

We have not gone very far in the terms of miles but in attitude and lifestyle we have gone the maximum. We are in Picacho, AZ, between phoenix and Tucson, nestled against the mountains.

The park is only half full so there’s plenty of breathing space and we’ve met some nice people, locals and travelers.

The cook is quite good and she saves some leftovers for peter, as if he needs it.
Many of you may ask how it is possible to do almost nothing and enjoy it – I have some specific people in mind and you know who you are; The answer is – you just have to let it happen and see if you like it. There is no rat race, alarm clocks, sirens, traffic, rush hour, crime, or even loud noises to ruin the peacefulness.

Television is limited to a channel or two if reception is good and there is a lending library full of old books that someone must have read at one time but by how many is the true question.

There is always someone around to talk to or get a kind welcome from.

Remembering my adage about plans and changes - I may be in for some changes and rethinking this lifestyle. We have been accustomed to hopping from place to place every few days. After our last stay at the place we had 3 free nights and a sales pitch, I went on the Internet and found some campsite memberships for resale.
THE original one I got pitched was about $8,000.
Turns out, I can get almost the same package for about $900.
There are a good number of high-grade parks that would only cost me $6 /nite with a max of 14-21 day visit. Some others are not more than $10/nite. This will tend to have me spend longer visits at a time at sites that are more upscale vacation sites.
I am waiting for the final papers and membership card to arrive – 3-6 days and then replan the rest of my trip.

So far, we will be in Arizona over Christmas with friends, and may be in Las Cruces over NEW Years, and venture into Texas in January, giving us plenty of time to get to New Orleans by Jan 28th.

The weather has been beautiful, but the overnight temps get down in the 40’s.
We keep warm.

Peter has been shedding – I think he automatically starts whatever day we leave.
He has made lots of friends and I even caught him giving out autographs when he thought I wasn’t looking. I think he's starting a fan club.

Till next time,


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