091228 - Yuma, Arizona
Country Club MHP
Yuma, Arizona
The past 2 weeks in Indio was mostly uneventful with a few memorable experiences. Our new friends from Canada, Alan and Mary, who were Danny’s favorite people in Desert Hot Springs, also stayed at our Indio Park so we had many days together.
My luck at the weekly Poker game was not working, but the next evening at dinner I won the raffle which turned out to be a large gift basket filled with a dozen different beers of the world and a whole lot of munchies like peanuts, chips, jerky and the like.
One of our next door neighbors were not new to RVing but recently became full timers. Larry is a retired school teacher. His wife Chris was partially disabled from many accidents and medical problems but was very positive and surprisingly active. One evening they invited us over for a steak dinner. Unfortunately, the weather had become cold early, and had to move the dinner to inside their fifth wheeler and Danny was too big to fit. I save him a piece.
I have wanted to buy a newer Internet connection card from Sprint because my old card does not fit in my newer laptop. Sprint wanted $200 for the USB device unless I chose to change my contract to a poorer version. My current plan has unlimited data downloads. While browsing EBAY, I found the device for $10.49 Plus $10 postage. I just had Sprint activate it (for free) and it’s working fine.
What a deal.
Again, I shouldn’t complain that the weather in Yuma is actually cooler than it was in Palm Springs after seeing the snow in the rest of the country but it’s all relative.
We traveled the day before Christmas and were worried about being able to shop at Wal-Mart, but with great surprise there was not much of a crowd.
Christmas day here in Yuma the Park had a potluck dinner that we were invited to without having to do any cooking. Danny and I had a delicious dinner with 85 of our newest friends.
Tom and Mary befriended Peter and me on our Mexico caravan 6 years ago and we have maintained contact. They happened to be in Yuma the same week as us.
They picked us up and we went to the movies (Up In The AIR) and then had a casual diner afterwards. We caught up on the basics and discussed what RVers always talk about when they get together. It was a great day.
We will be leaving here on the 31st going a short distance to Winterhaven, California. I don’t know but assume they will have some kind of New Year’s eve party.
Till next time,