Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
100609 - Pahrump, Neveda
Pahrump, Nevada
Charleston Peak RV Resort and Winery
One of my favorite parks is this one for a couple of reasons. Firstly it has a terrific restaurant and second there is a lovely rose garden.
Pahrump is a small, very small, town about 60 miles west of Vegas and north of Death Valley. This time of year the temperature is usually in the 90’s but for some reason, there are gusty winds and cold fronts that are keeping it down in the high 70’s T
The restaurant is classy and chic and looks like it belongs in Beverly Hills. The food is delicious, beautifully prepared and the service is great. The casinos actually helicopter high rollers here for dinner as a perk. However, the prices are reasonable.
The rose garden is along side the veranda of the restaurant and it’s shaded by large trees,
Today, Dan and his wife were wandering the area, taking pictures, so I asked him to shoot a few of Danny and me with my camera. He was very kind and willing and took a few good ones. Thanks Dan.
There is another RV park in Pahrump that I had stayed at shortly after Peter’s death. Terrible’s Lakeside sounds weird but it has a man-made lake with lots of ducks and geese roaming the park and it’s all grass and trees.
We got a site by the lake and I would sit in the shade of a tree reading while Danny watched the ducks as he lay on the grass. Last time I was here I discovered a duck with one foot missing (I called him Hoppy) and was wondering if he was still here. I watched a lot of ducks and asked around but no one seemed to have seen him.
We wanted to stay here a couple of weeks but forgot about Memorial Day weekend, which is one of the most popular days for RV parks. We had to vacate before the weekend so we went back to the Winery for a couple of weeks to pass over the holiday.
The weather has been unseasonably cool, and we have no complaints. Usually, this time of the year has the thermometer in the 90s and so far it has strayed in the high 70s to mid 80s and there is a constant breeze, which is pleasant, but it will be getting hotter very soon.
Having moved back to the Winery RV park, we settled back into our usual routine.
Very often I felt like Bill Murray in the movie “GROUNDHOG DAY:. We get up each morning and do the same thing every day, but it is enjoyable and we do meet different people all the time.
In fact, for a couple of days, Danny had a girlfriend named Penny. She was a neighborhood dog that apparently was bored staying at home so she wandered over to the winery grounds and made friends with Danny. She seemed older than him and about half his size with breed unknown. I let him off leash so they could run and play on the grassy field. At age 2-1/2, still a teenager, Danny seems to have a desire for money and asked for an allowance. I think Penny put him up to it. Anyway, lots of visitors to the winery want to have their picture taken with him (he’s a real babe magnet) and he wanted to start charging them for the privilege. I discouraged that.
However, we read an article on line about scientists that discovered that some dogs were able to sniff urine samples from men and diagnose prostate cancer. Danny figured that he does that all the time and perhaps he could be of service to these scientists – especially since he is already a lab. We are looking into it.
Pahrump is a small town, with a feeling of being a throwback to earlier times.
The RV parks we stayed at did not have cable TV and I did not spring thousands of dollars for a satellite dish for The Beast. Therefore, we usually do not have access to television. Luckily, Pahrump does have a local TV station that actually still broadcasts in analog as well as digital service. The bad news is that the station is called Retro TV because all it broadcasts is old time programs, and I do mean old. I don’t think any of the programs were in color.
I have to tell you that I now an expert on all the oldies but goodies such as Peter Gun, I Spy, The Cisco Kid, Dragnet, Adam-12, Alfred Hitchcock presents and The Jack Benny Show to name a few.
In our last week here, the temperature jumped from the 80s to triple digits and so leaving has become more desirable. Our next stop will be in Utah near St George as we continue north to cooler country.
We were aiming for some places high in the Rockies, but upon discussion with my doctors, I am restricted to lower elevations. We are not planning on the Pacific coast this year but we never make plans that can’t be changed.