101120 -Bumps

Lake Cahuilla, La Quinta, California
On the road, The Highwayguys are always looking out for and trying to avoid bumps or as they are posted in Mexico - TOPES ..
However, I have found that there are other bumps, although small, just as much trouble as the ones on the road.
About 3 weeks ago, during my morning routine, I was scared witless when I noticed that my urine was bloody and I was spiting blood clots out like a gatling gun.
After an emergency medical visit, followed by a cystoscopy with only topical anesthesia, the doctor found a small tumor on the bladder wall.
The next step was a more invasive out patient procedure under general anesthesia for a biopsy of the bump. The pathology report was not good.,,, A high grade malignant tumor.
The next step is another biopsy to determine the amount of invasion of the tumor into the muscular wall. This procedure is to be done in about 4-8 weeks.
Right now, we are in a holding pattern in the Palm Springs area; trying to enjoy the scenery and life style for as long as we can before the other shoe drops.
I haven’t told Danny what’s going on … don’t want to worry him anymore than necessary, but I think he was getting suspicious as we visited different medical offices. He has developed a fondness for nurses and visa versa. He is a real babe magnet.