050328- Hemet
Well, thank god the rain was only one day in coming. Today is a nice, bright sunny day, the usually California BORING type.
We are anxious to get back to our movie marathon week. While we have already seen the best available, there are some that merit a look, especially since the daytime – senior citizen price is only $5.
BE COOL - is a sequel to GET SHORTY – with John Travolta and a cast of cameos. You have to be a fan of Travolta or it’s a waste of time.
I like him.
On Saturday we watched an animated movie called ROBOTS - with the voices of Robin Williams, Mel Brooks, and a few others that made it entertaining. I guess it could also be a kids film but had lots of adult content. I’m sure it will go to video quickly, but it was a cute movie.
With one more day left – there were not many good choices, so we closed our eyes and picked MAN OF THE HOUSE - starring Tommy Lee Jones as a Texas Ranger that has to baby-sit 5 cute college cheer leaders as witnesses of a murder. It’s a light comedy, some redeeming features, but if you tell anyone I recommended it I will deny it.
The night before we leave a campground, we do a few preliminary procedures to make the next days departure less time consuming and painful – and in this case, since the forecast was light rain – less wetness.
We dump our tanks, disconnect city water, put away the Batmobile and just leave our electric hook up overnight.
For once the weatherman was right and some rain did occur overnight and early but by the time we got rolling, it was history.
Driving on the highways and back roads of our great country is always exciting – sometimes scary, but in a good way. The only driving I dislike is the drive back to Los Angeles. There is just something about the roads and drivers that make it unpleasant and usually nerve racking.
It’s not the traffic or the physical conditions of the highway (which is better than a lot of places I’ve been), but the physiological feeling of ending another chapter in our book of travels and hoping it will not be our last because there is so many more places to go and things to see and people to meet along the way.
It’s Monday afternoon, we turn the corner of our block, find a large parking space at the corner and turn off the engine with deep regret.
Peter leaps thru the cabin door – he can be very reckless sometimes, sniffs the grass and anoints it. He is officially home.
I usually wait till I get home to use the bathroom.