041230-Lordsburg, NM
It’s a beautiful Thursday morning, as compared to the wet and windy Wednesday morning we experienced yesterday. That was the main reason we opted to stay put in Green Valley for one more day.
The sky is blue, white puffy clouds are up high, and the temp is a comfortable 64. Lordsburg, NM here we come.
First we make a quick stop at the local Wal-Mart for some supplies – including a lightweight but powerful upright, bag less vacuum cleaner to combat Peter’s shedding problem. It’s on sale fort 34 bucks and it looks like a winner.
As we are checking out, Peter reminds me that we are getting low on dog food – but Wal-Mart doesn’t carry his brand, so we’ll have to make another stop at a Petsmart in the area. If I don’t, he’ll nag me all day until I do and I don’t need that.
The people at Petsmart are very nice and transport two 20-pound bags out to the beast. Peter seems pleased and relieved now.
We’ve got about 200 miles to cover, but the road is good and the traffic light, so I think we’ll make good time without any trouble.
After a couple of hours, we notice up ahead the formation of very large gray clouds hovering over the road and desert like a squadron of galactic space battleships waiting for the command to attack earth. The weather report for tomorrow did not mention rain, although it is predicted for the day after.
They do not seem to be moving, but that can change at any time.
As we scan the radio waves, we are faced with the choices of country western, preacher bob, and thankfully NPR.
As I have mentioned before, I am using an old laptop computer for my GPS and it sits on the “doghouse” (which is the hump between the two front seat where the engine compartment is). This is the same place that Peter sometimes likes to sit. Every once in awhile, I catch Peter trying to retrieve his email from the computer but his nails keep catching on the keys and popping them off. Since I don’t do much tying on this laptop it is not too much of a problem, but if I had to use it for word processing, I’d have a tough time with some of the keys gone left only with little buttons and no idea what they are. I wonder if they make special keyboards for dogs.
We roll into Lordsburg with a half full gas tank, but we stop and fill up so we can get a quick get-away in the morning. The main street is about 4 blocks long, with 4 gas stations, a couple of motels, a few fast food stores (KFC, Pizza Hut, Wendy’s, etc) and one regular restaurant called the Kranberry Family Restaurant. We take a chance.
Inside is neat and clean, and a few tables away from us are a couple of policemen having dinner.
We opt for the Thursday special – BBQ beef, with salad, beans and cornbread. Peter gives his OK. It was actually a good meal.
The RVPark is about 3 blocks away and we check in for the night. All we want is a place to plug in – no point hooking up a sewer or water connection for one night.
The park is mostly gravel and dirt roads which do not agree with the wheels on my walker or Peter. However he does have his own personal tree just outside the door so that seems to placate him a little.
I start putting away our purchases and assemble the vacuum. It seems to work well, although Peter hates the noise. I’ll have to wait till we settle in one park for a few days so I can remove the carpet runners and give it a good cleaning. Peter nudges me to go out, and fortunately the weather is getting warmer, so neither of us mind.